ON LISTENING (1/29/2014)

"...be quick to listen, slow to speak...."  (James 1:19)

Have you ever listened to a friend in need as they shared some concern with you and, even though you didn't say anything in response, they thanked you at the end of the conversation for your helpful advice?

Oftentimes, people just need a sounding board...someone to bounce their innermost thoughts off of. In fact, I am convinced from my own experience of being on both ends of the conversation that one of the most basic human needs is to be listened to, particularly when burdened by something. And oftentimes, we come to our own conclusions or solutions simply because we were able to talk through our problems with another person. 

"Father, help me to be a good listener and let my words be few while others speak to me. Help me to know the difference between merely hearing and truly listening. Help me not to rush to judgment or to talk over others or to be quick to spout advice. Help me to validate the worth of others by giving them a voice to express what is important to them. If and when I do speak, help me to choose my words thoughtfully and may You be the wisdom behind my response. Help me to be a friend and and encourager.  Amen."