In the second half of Philippians 3, Paul writes about the maturing process for believers. After we are saved, we are to be continually in growth mode, with the goal of being transformed more and more into Christlikeness. Obviously we need to be in an active relationship with Christ in order for our growth not to be stunted or stagnant. That includes being in the Word and in prayer and in fellowship with the body of believers.

Paul points out that this process of growth (i.e. sanctification or being set apart for God's purposes) is ongoing and will only fully be achieved when Christ returns and concludes our transformation. But along the way, as we are learning more about the Christian life and gradually becoming more Christlike, Paul reminds us of some things. 

One is that we all have pasts and have done wrong things and made mistakes, but we shouldn't let those hold us back.  Paul says to forget those things that are behind us and to focus on what lies ahead. There is a prize (Christlikeness) awaiting us and that is where our attention and energy should be directed. 

We should also look to fellow believers who are ahead of us in their faith and maturity as examples, taking note of how they lives their lives and using that as a pattern for our own rather than the lives of those who live as enemies of the cross of Christ. 

Paul also indicates that maturity and Christlikeness will come to us in increments. When we are saved, we won't instantly be adult Christians who are complete in every way. But as we, little by little, grow and mature, we are to live up to lessons learned and what we have already attained, and thereby we will make progress. 

Finally, as we go through this maturing process, we must have an eternal perspective, realizing that earthly things ultimately won't matter and will pass away. We need to have our eyes set on heaven where our ultimate citizenship is. And if we find it difficult to have this perspective, God will make that clear to us and help us. 

Thank You Lord for continually being active in our lives and gradually molding and making us into Your Son's image. Help us to let go of our baggage from the past and direct our attention to the new things You desire to teach us. Help us not to hinder our own growth. Help us to remember lessons learned. Thank You that you have placed godly brothers and sisters in our lives as examples, and as we grow, may we also become examples. Father, give us heavenward eyes and an eternal perspective. I pray this in the Name of Jesus, who has the ultimate power to conclude our transformations from lowliness to glory. Amen.